Couples Counseling


It all started when…

You know how the story begins, but the middle is the confusing part. Relationships are tough, learning to live with someone else, discovering & sharing closely kept secrets, finding out each other’s hidden desires. Difficult sexual histories, mid-life identity struggles, constant arguments, and fighting. Help is here for you.

You set out to conquer the world together and now it seems like all you do is fight, belittle, and ignore the problems brewing between you. You’re not alone in this.

When you choose therapy and choose each other, you have a much greater chance to succeed later on. Sometimes it’s to tackle what seems impossible, and sometimes it’s just a checkup. Just the commitment to each other is the most helpful thing you can do.


most fights are about nothing

Socks on the floor, a coffee cup left in the sink, or the seat left up for the millionth time. You just need a little help to figure out what the deeper issues are and how to resolve them.