Domestic Abuse & Trauma Counseling


Not always physical abuse…

It can be difficult to think of yourself as “abused” or a “victim.”  This is especially true when the power and control behaviors are being enforced by your significant other or family member.  That’s the thing about domestic violence—it’s domestic.  It comes from someone in your home who has the most access to you. 

It’s not random. 

On the contrary, it’s quite calculated and deliberate.  When you hear “domestic violence,” you likely associate it with physical abuse. 

However, just because what you’re experiencing may not be physical, it does not mean that it’s not domestic abuse.  You may be experiencing another form of domestic abuse such as emotional, sexual, intimidation (including gaslighting), isolation, verbal, financial, digital, and stalking.  


Loss of control…

Do you oftentimes feel like you have no say or input in what happens in your home, your relationship, or even with your day-to-day activities?  The moment that you try to think or act for yourself, does your partner or family member shut down what you have planned?

You may not be sure what to do, you’re feeling powerless, out of control, and unable to manage the day-to-day.  You haven’t felt like yourself in a while now, and it’s affecting things like your sleep, emotional state, sense of safety, and normal hobbies or activities you used to enjoy.

You may not have seen your friends or extended family in a while.  It may even feel like they’re avoiding you now.

Domestic abuse is affecting you in unexpected ways, and you need help to identify what is going on.


What to expect from therapy…

relief from process through traumatic events

You can expect your counselor to help you discover your independence again. You’ll learn how to regain your sense of self, as well as how to recognize when abuse occurs and what to do about it.  You’ll also learn how to process the abuse and trauma that has occurred to you.




The Center for Mental and Sexual Health helps the members of our community thrive!

The design of our practice is to meet the needs of our communities by offering a variety of counselors with diverse backgrounds and specialties. Our counselors all vary in their expertise, working with clients from 14 and up, on a wide range of issues. It is essential to us that we set you up to succeed and that we pair you with the therapist who will be the best fit for you. We are constantly growing our specialties through education and practice to provide quality therapy for those who seek it.


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