Why Online Therapy is Effective

Why Online Therapy is Effective

Written by Erika Miley

Starting therapy is hard. 

First you may question, does this stuff really work?  The next thing you might think is, “But I don’t have time, I have so many other things I need to take care of.” 

Let me tackle the first worry, does this stuff work… yep it does. 

Not only have we helped people through some really tough shit but all of us have gone through therapy ourselves.  It can feel really overwhelming to think about talking with someone you don’t know about your tough stuff.  The coolest thing is in therapy you get to have an outside perspective that your friends, family, and partner cannot give you. More specifically in sex therapy you can talk about a topic most of the U.S. struggles to address at all.  You can understand yourself better, how to communicate better, to create and cultivate the path you were meant for. 

Life has a way of speeding up with work, families, and our partners. 

It seems there is a list that is endless, and you never make it to the end of.  Ultimately this is why we chose to create the entire Center online. 

Our clients love that they do not have to leave work, get in the car, park, pay for parking, and do it all over again to go back to work.  In the online video counseling environment, we can address the toughest stuff where you are comfortable. 

My favorite thing is why my clients are making coffee getting ready for work in the morning and we are getting down to work.  Or sometimes they are in their favorite chair, a cup of tea, and their pet in their lap.  They seem to be able to get comfortable quicker, and waste less time on the road, and driving to yet another appointment.

Does this work for couples?

You may ask, “does this work for couples?”  The answer is YES!! 

Many of the couples we have worked with travel for work, or struggle to align schedules to be together, online therapy can fill this gap beautifully.  Another way to visualize it is a therapist come directly to you in your home, office, or sometimes wherever you are in the world!

Everything you say in therapy is confidential, that means secret.  It can absolutely be scary to start the path to healing. 

Here’s the truth though… it is completely worth it, and life can get better.